Why am I not receiving emails?

Complete the following steps if you are unable to receive our emails: 

1. Check your Spam or Promotions folder. If you find the emails there, make sure to tag them as  Not Spam

2. Add Emil@iPhonePhotographySchool.com or Pro@PhotographyPro.com to your Address Book

3. Click on the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails you have received and click  Manage other email preferences

file-TvdpgTjuCl.jpg4. Check all the ones you'd like to receive and click Update My Preferences. 

5. If you are still unable to receive our emails, please contact us at Emil@iPhonePhotographySchool.com or Pro@PhotographyPro.com

If you accidentally unsubscribed or if you wish to unsubscribe:
1. Click on the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of our old emails and click  Manage other email preferences.file-TvdpgTjuCl.jpg2. Check all the ones you'd like to receive and click Update My Preferences. 

3. If you are still unable to receive our emails, please contact us at Emil@iPhonePhotographySchool.com or Pro@PhotographyPro.com

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