Video Issues
If you're having issues with playback because the videos continuously load:
- Tap the Settings icon ⚙️ at the lower right-hand corner of the video.
Select Quality and choose a lower video resolution
If you're on a mobile device, tap the 3 dots icon to see the Settings ⚙️ icon. You can only adjust the video quality when you're not in full screen mode.
- Restart your Internet device and try again.
If you're unable to see the video player or you are getting an error saying the video cannot be embedded:
- Open an incognito or private browser and log in to or
- If the videos work, please disable any browser extensions which may interfere with video playback.
If you're on Reader View, disable it by tapping the aA icon at the top right-hand corner and select Hide Reader View.
If you cannot watch specific videos, please email us at or so we can check the issue.